FNFT Techology

In our platform, we have chosen to use FNFTs instead of conventional NFTs. The main difference between them is that, in the case of FNFTs, a portion of the capital generated by the sale is placed in an investment fund integrated into the digital asset itself, instead of being directly delivered to the creator.

In the case of NFTs, the sale is made from person to person through the blockchain, and its value depends on the purchase description and the virtual value of the market. The purchase capital goes directly to the seller, and the buyer receives the value in their wallet. The valuation of NFTs tends to increase as transactions in their history increase.

On the contrary, with FNFTs, the sale is regulated from person to business to person through the blockchain. The value of the next sale is directly related to the liquid capital contained in the FNFT, and not to a particular buyer. This value is real and is in the investment fund integrated into the digital asset. The purchase capital goes directly to the farming pot to generate returns for both the new owner and the creator. Likewise, the ownership of the FNFT is transferred directly to the buyer's wallet.

FNFTs generate a staking called PoC (proof of content) with the capital raised, which is partially released every 30 days. This released royalty is divided between the creator and the buyer, giving them co-ownership of the digital asset. In addition, FNFTs also have the characteristic of being keys in our ecosystem to view private content from the creator.

In summary, FNFTs offer an additional advantage by allowing the capital generated from their sale to generate royalties and be distributed between the creator and the buyer, giving them co-ownership of the asset. Additionally, they serve as a key to view private content from the creator on our platform.


Each creator can set the price of the digital asset using the sliders from the FNFT creation interface, which follow the following rules:

  • At least 27.5% of the FNFT sale value will remain in staking, i.e., it is locked for the user, and the monthly returns are derived from this.

  • 70% of the FNFT sale value is received by the seller (creator) immediately upon purchase in xFRQs.

  • 2.5% sales commission for Frqtal Labs.

After the first month in which the FNFT was sold, royalties start to be generated. By design, each sale generates 2% monthly royalties on the amount configured in staking, which are distributed as seen in the chart. For example, if I sold an FNFT worth 100 xFRQs and configured 30% in staking (30 xFRQs), monthly:

  • As a creator, I will receive 0.3 xFRQs.

  • As a buyer, 0.15 xFRQs.

  • As Frqtal labs, 0.14 xFRQs.

  • As the person who referred the creator, 0.009 xFRQs.

  • As the person who referred the person who referred the creator, 0.001 xFRQs.

Last updated